Ready to play? Build or join a team today! “After All The Rest, Why Not The BEST!” TAP Founder, Lloyd Schonter

Who’s excited about Nationals in Biloxi? 🙋♀️ Deadline to register is October 9th. To qualify, you need to have 10 lifetime matches in the format you want to enter, be an active player on an active roster, and play 6 matches between June 19th-October 9th. We will have our Regional Qualifier Championships:
July 14-16 at Gooneys for 9 ball, and
July 28-30 at Rack & Grill 3 for 8 ball,
for the chance to win FREE ENTRY for your team with travel expenses included! Aiken & CSRA Divisions will come together to compete for a chance to compete at TAP Nationals in Biloxi, Mississippi November 6-10th. (Dream Teams & Singles are Nov 10-12th) Mark your calendars and practice those skills! It’ll be here before we know it! Local qualifications have been posted and sent to all captains. Cost to enter championship is $180 per team. Teams must be signed up by July 1st. Players are required to remain active in the format they’re playing, and have current TAP annual membership. National Qualifications apply. (In rule book)
2023 TAP Rally in The Valley
When? April 13-16, 2023
Where? The Greater Philadelphia Expo Center
100 Station Ave Oaks, PA 19456
Who? To qualify to play in this event you must be a current TAP member, have 10 lifetime matches in EACH product you are playing in and 6 of your matches must be played between Nov 20, 2022 to March 13, 2023 in each of the products you are playing in.
8 Ball Dream Team $550 starts Thursday 04/13/23 @ 8 AM
8 Ball Ladies Dream Team $550 start date TBD
9 Ball Dream Team $550 starts Thursday 04/13/23 @ 8 AM
8 Ball Scotch Doubles $125 Sunday 04/16/23
8 Ball Singles $125 Thursday night
10 Ball Singles $125 start date TBD
Next CSRA TAP session begins January 2nd, 3rd & 4th. If you’re interested in participating in these events, and won’t have enough games to qualify, let Jerry or Amy know asap.
9 Ball Tournament at Gooney’s
Saturday September 17th
$20 Entry
Game race double elimination
Sign up begins at 11am
Play begins at 1pm
All players welcome regardless of league affiliation.
Handicaps 2-7
Cash Payouts
GOONEY’S 2260 Wheeless Rd. Augusta, GA
Come shoot some pool, watch the game and hopefully win some cash!
We are looking for people around the CSRA who LOVE to play pool! TAP is a league dedicated to it’s players. TAP Nationals will take you places! We also provide cash payouts and cash tournaments! Our Championship Tournament winners earn their teams name on a trophy to be placed at their home bar for bragging rights ALL YEAR! We only play one night per week per format. Ladies league is only one Saturday per month. Don’t think you’re “good enough” to join a league? ALL skill levels are needed! No age limit! (Must abide by all rules at each host location.)
End/Beginning of Session meeting. Payouts and patches given out. Please have at least 1 person from your team present. Now is the time to build your new teams! We are starting a ladies league, a 10 ball league and a separate Aiken division so teams won’t have to travel as far. Bring your team information to the meeting so we can add everyone to the roster. New session begins the last week of August.